Year End Wrap Up

Sprinkle Caldwell’s sixth year came to a close at the end of June. We had a lot of growth and change in the 2015 Fiscal Year and much to celebrate. Here is our TOP FIVE for 2015!

Six years of Growth and Service

This year was our sixth year bringing together educational nonprofits, schools, and the organizations that support them. We have learned a great deal about how schools take in new information, how nonprofits serve them, and how corporate sponsors are a major force of innovation and progress within education.

Additionally, Kelly Brown has been with us for over a year, this is a record. She has taken our outreach and communication to new heights of professionalism and creative insight. We are positioned for an exciting second year.

Boarding focus – Our work with TABS expands

Our focus shifted to a closer relationship with the boarding community. After five exciting years of growth our relationship concluded with ERB, and its focus on the K- 8/12 assessment markets. Our expansion into global (TABS/NAIS Global Symposium, peerTransfer, Asia and Latin Fairs) initiatives emerged as a primary point of emphasis. This is a rapidly growing and expanding educational area – fun to be on the ground floor.

This past year our work with TABS expanded to allow for many new opportunities. In conjunction with the Annual Conference and the annual publication of NowBoarding the Economist stepped forward as a sponsor and we co-branded the magazine. This allowed for us to leverage a new distribution path.

TABS and NAIS (National Association of Boarding Schools) collaborated once again on the Global Symposium. This globally focused conference has turned a corner and become stronger – in terms of attendance, sessions, and corporate sponsorship. We look forward to the 2016 conference in Long Beach, California.

TABS Latin Fairs have established a strong rhythm and we have locked in the right in-country partners. This partnership allowed us to reach new high water marks in all of our cities. TABS will return to Latin America in the spring of 2016 and continue to recruit students from this rich and vibrant region.

The Call for Proposals for TABS Annual Conference yielded record submissions this year. TABS member schools and corporate sponsors are eager to share their knowledge and be a part of the exemplary professional development platform TABS cultivates. This year 250 proposals were submitted for the annual conference. That volume creates tremendous selectivity which in turn, creates the best professional development program in education.

We have listened and responded to our sponsors and their desire for a stronger connection with TABS member schools. We have created customized bundles that leverage year-round sponsorship activities and “official” status for a few select partners.

peerTransfer utilized at over 100 K-12 schools

It is remarkable that PeerTransfer has been adopted by over 100 K-12 schools as the primary tuition payment method for international payments. It was only a few years ago that we were excited about ten schools. This great company and innovative service exemplifies the maxim, “no army can stop an idea whose time has come”

40 New Sponsors

We developed relationships with 40 new corporate partners – a wonderful comment on the schools we serve and the professional development we provide!

New Projects

We continue to look at school financial health and sustainability as key areas for innovation opportunities. As peerTransfer has grown we are looking at other areas in the business office. The sustainable schools we serve need better information and superior products that augment their work with tuition and advancement revenue. Stay tuned for developments in the 3rd quarter.

We look forward continuing on this path of expansion. We are continuously working to nurture our relationships with our sponsors and draw in new customers. We hope to see many of you at the upcoming conferences and hope you will approach us with new ideas and ways we can continue to make your experience top notch.


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