“WOW” The Martin Institute Conference 2014

The Martin Institute “Learning Forward” Annual Conference held at Presbyterian Day School in Memphis, TN was OUTSTANDING!  The Presbyterian Day School campus was a perfect venue.  Having classrooms to conduct the concurrent sessions created an atmosphere of quality instruction.  The use of the spacious Fellowship Hall for keynote and featured speakers was ideal, allowing for all attendees to be present at the keynote and featured speakers’ presentations.  The speed sessions, that included four sponsor presentations, were a HUGE HIT! It’s a good sign when additional chairs are needed to accommodate the speed session crowd overflow.

Translate the Brain (2)

Translate the Brain with Andrew Watson speed session

With over 755 attendees from the academic realm of K-12 teaching faculty, department heads, and heads of school all earning 16 continuing education credits over a two day period made for a dynamic, energetic, intelligent, fun, and informative conference.

If this is your first time hearing about The Martin Institute, let me recommend that you look a little closer. 



You will learn about the impressive programs and conferences that The Martin Institute conducts throughout the year.

The daily Speed Sessions highlighted curriculum, research, global travel and service; “Understanding and Reducing Stereotype Threat” by Andrew Watson of Translate the Brain, “Global Learning through Travel” by Michael Lundquist of Globus – Student Discoveries, “Transforming Classroom Engagement with Interactive Brain Breaks” by Kelly Hill of GoNoodle, and “Educational Research in Antarctica” by Alex Eilers of Pink Palace Family of Museums.  We are planning on expanding the number of speed session presenters for 2015 due to the overwhelming success this year.  Call for proposals to present at the speed sessions will be available September 2014.

The highlights included keynote and featured speaker Ron Berger, Expeditionary Learning – Ron spoke “about how students become rigorously and enthusiastically committed to excellence.” Donald Hense, founder of Friendship Public Charter Schools, works with students in underserved communities – Donald spoke about the “need to overcome cultures of low expectations.” Rafe Esquith, a 20 year veteran teacher of fifth grade in an embattled L.A. neighborhood – spoke “teacher-to-teacher about the challenges and importance of teaching.”  Rafe has been called “a genius and a saint” by the New York Times.  Lee Burns, headmaster of Presbyterian Day School since 2000 – spoke “about the importance of a growth mindset and the courage teachers and schools need to change and innovate so students are prepared for success in the global economy.” The audience left the keynote sessions inspired and eager to learn.

After having the pleasure of attending The Martin Institute Annual Conference for the first time this June, I highly recommend attendance to anyone with a vested interest in classroom teaching, curriculum development, and technology integration.

Mark your calendars for the second week in June 2015 to attend The Martin Institute Conference, Memphis, TN.

Contact martin@hashtagresilience.com to receive additional information on submitting a call for proposal to present at The Martin Institute Conference 2015 for speed sessions. 

Globus-Student Discoveries with Michael Lundquist

Globus-Student Discoveries with Michael Lundquist

GoNoodle with Kelly Hill

GoNoodle with Kelly Hill

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