Why a Couple’s WHY

Why a Couple’s Why

Why [on earth] would a couple want to know their WHY…much less give it as a holiday gift?

Glad you asked!

This is what my Marriage looks like in my mind

In reality – 3 kids, 6 dogs, 30 years, 6 moves, 13 cars (I think), more cool trips than I can count it looks more like this.

You might think that we know everything there is to know about each other.

Not so

Click Here to schedule a 15 minute chat.


Learn More about the Resilience Initiative – We help you discover your WHY!

At the Resilience Initiative we promote Resilience around the world.

How do we do that? Book time with us to find out more. Lets go

  • Helping individuals, families, and teams discover their Why. We work closely with the The Why Institute. The Why of Challenge came from their Algorithm.
  • Producing the podcast #Resileince
  • Public speaking and facilitating
  • Coaching Bereaved Families with our Cornerstone Grief Program.
  • Writing – check out our Books!





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