The International Boom

According to a report by WES Research and Advisory Services report “international students contributed almost $27 billion dollars to the U.S. economy in 2014,” a 12% upswing from 2013. The growth comes from students in upper-middle income economies and countries with large national scholarship programs.

This is good news for US Boarding Schools that are looking to increase their international diversity and build a diverse boarding community. It is also good for sponsors who are looking for unique ways to network with both the boarding schools and international families.

TABS offers three great ways for organizations to get in on this international boom.

• TABS-NAIS Global Symposium, April 26-28, Austin, TX
• TABS Latin American Recruitment Fair, Feb. 18 – March 2
• TABS Asia Recruitment Fair, Dates TBD – Fall 2015

TABS and NAIS have paired up for the second year to host the Global Symposium. This one-of-a-kind event brings together school leaders, educators and experts to explore emerging best practices in two distinct but related realms:

• Effectively serving international students and families, and
• Developing global citizenship in all students –across the academic and social domains of school life.

Last year the event sold out. This year in Austin, TX they are anticipating 350+ attendees.

As it is stated in the overview on the Global-Symposium website: “As boarding and day schools have internationalized, teachers and administrators have encountered new complexities in nearly every aspect of schooling— from admission, parent communications, and classroom pedagogy, to college advising, constituency relations, and development. At the same time, a pioneering spirit has taken hold in a number of schools, with many educators seeking to enlarge the vision of “preparatory” schools to include preparation for global citizenship in a world increasingly interconnected economically, environmentally, culturally, and politically.” If your organization supports any of the aforementioned challenges and goals then the TABS – NAIS Global Symposium is an event you don’t want to miss! Learn more about the sponsorship opportunities available.

TABS Latin America and Asia Recruitment Fairs offer a unique opportunity for students in their local country to attend admission fairs featuring American and Canadian boarding schools. As indicated in the WES Report international students are spending a lot of money on education in the United States. TABS and admission representatives from member schools will spend two weeks traveling to six cities in Latin America.

They will travel to Asia in the fall of 2015. The specific dates are still being established but the trip is typically three weeks and host to fairs in 10 cities.

Sponsoring the international recruitment fairs allow you to get to know TABS member schools, their admission representatives, as well as families attending fairs in each city. There are opportunities to sponsor individual fairs or be the lead sponsor. 

Additional information on TABS Recruitment Fairs is available online. Contact us at 828-479-5344 to get information on sponsorship.

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