TABS NAIS Global Symposium Comes of Age

The 2015 TABS NAIS Global Symposium was a huge success. The fourth symposium displayed admirable event maturity and exciting trajectory and momentum. I can hardly wait for next year in Southern California (Long Beach). Specific hiIMG_20150426_173918ghlights include standing room only featured speakers, a fun and exciting exhibit hall, great food, and a sold out room block. The record attendance (close to 400) provided enthusiastic and engaged session attendance. From start to finish a great time was had by all.

Austin proved to be an inspired city for the Symposium. The hotel is right on the river within easy walking distance of wonderful restaurants and shopping. The food, both at the hotel and nearby, was wonderful.  The opening reception served local barbeque favorites with local vegetables. It was fantastic. Jo’s coffee was a nice walk away with a world class coffee, excellent cookies, and a strong sampling of the eclectic Austin citizenry.

IMG_20150427_095258The Symposium embraced a schedule that mirrors TABS annual conference. A vibrant opening reception Sunday night launched the exhibit hall as a fun place to connect with passionate global educators.  Monday was a full day – packed with dynamic sessions, an insightful keynote, and a scrumptious seated lunch. The collegial environment of TABS annual conference was present as old friends caught up and new relationships were minted. Thank you to all of our sponsors and attendees. Make plans to join us next April and start scripting your presentation proposal now! What started as a modest gathering has come of age.

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