Stay for the Entire Conference – Meals and Sessions

You never know where the next Goldmine is!

I actively encourage sponsors to stay for the entire conference and fully leverage the significant investment they are making in both attending and exhibiting at a conference. Meals and sessions are fantastic opportunities to learn about germane topics in your customers professional lives and make new friends (potential customers). So often I see sponsors race to the airport at the first opportunity. However, I see satisfied sponsors stay for the additional day and learn more about their customers.

A major opportunity at a conference is participation. Sharing a meal is an easy and comfortable way to meet people. Sitting next to someone in a session is a chance to discover a shared interest – perhaps even the topic of the session! These opportunities provide a different experience for you and your potential new customer. 

When the exhibit hall closes – stay at the conference, share a meal, and attend a session! There are people there you would never meet otherwise! One might be a Goldmine!

Quote of the Month

Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things.

Peter Drucker

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