Speed Sessions and the Attention Span of a Goldfish

According to National Center for Biotechnology Information the average human attention span in 2008 was 12 seconds, which dropped to 8 seconds in 2013. And the average attention span of a goldfish? 9 seconds.

Martin goldfishWant to reach your potential audience and not have them checking their phone, doodling, or exiting your session early? Consider presenting at Speed Session at The Martin Institute June 10-11 in Memphis, TN.

Speed Sessions are best facilitated by one person and offer the opportunity to present your topic in a quick, succinct manner with limited, 10-12, attendees. Speed Sessions skip the fluff, chit chat, warm-up and get right to the meat of your topic. Giving a brief overview and quick hard facts your attendees can actually get more out of a Speed Session than a standard 60-minute conference session. Providing time at the end for question and discussion allows for attendee driven focus and assures they are getting the most out of your topic. They choose your session after all so why not cater to their inquiries?

Presenting a Speed Session also allows you to potentially reach more conference attendees. The Martin Institute Speed Sessions will run concurrently four times each day of the conference. With up to 10 attendees you have the potential to reach 40 total educators.

June 10 will focus on “inside” the classroom topics including:

  • Academics and Curriculum
  • Technology
  • Social Media
  • Multidisciplinary or Other Topics

June 11 will focus on “outside” the classroom topics including:

  • Exchange and Partnership Programs
  • Global Learning through Travel
  • Service Learning
  • Day Trips and Field Trips

Don’t get distracted now! SQUIRREL! Submit your Speed Session for The Martin Institute NOW! 

Blogger:  Kelly Brown – Communications Specialist and Market Researcher at Sprinkle Caldwell

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