sold out

It is wonderful to be “sold out.” Whether it is dorm rooms or exhibit halls, selling out feels FANTASTIC. Saying “sold out” speaks to competence and strength.  I recall the odd unpleasant look of vacant rooms in a residence hall. As well as the exhausted admission faces – working all summer to fill the rooms with retainable students.

I also remember the thrill of being sold out. The way it set in motion a sequence of events that propelled the school’s admission work forward. Re-enrollment forms came in sooner, admission officers had a moment of rest in the summer, opening day talks included the idea of being at capacity, and board meetings had different conversations about tuition price and student profiles.

The same benefit occurs when we sell out an exhibit hall. This year Sprinkle Caldwell’s work with TABS resulted in selling out both the Annual Conference and the Global Symposium (twice).

This is a heartfelt thank you to all of our corporate and nonprofit partners who made this possible.

Sold out! Say it…how does it make you feel?

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