NAIS and NBOA – What to Expect in Boston

Why are you going? Who do you hope to meet? What are your expectations? What do you hope to take-away?


Okay…it might not look like that now but some blue skies and green trees just feels more welcoming!

Are you headed to Boston for the NAIS and NBOA conferences? We know it may seem a little crazy to head to Boston right now but NAIS and NBOA are excited for you to join them to network, share, and learn! Here is some information to help you prepare (and pack…snowshoes anyone?)

According to an article on Boston has been slammed with 73.3 inches of snow between January 12 and February 10.

  • Boston snow plows have worked a cumulative 136,652 hours as of Feb. 13 when the article was written.
  • They have plowed the equivalent of 244,064 MILES of snow.
  • 70,051 tons (140,000 lbs.) of salt have been spread on Boston’s roads.

The good news is that a warm up is in the forecast for Feb. 22-27. A high of 38 with some rain and snow for Sunday, Feb. 22, mostly sunny on Tuesday, Feb. 24, and with the exception of an 80% chance of snow on Wednesday, Feb. 25 the chance of snow is only 10-20% to round out the conference. So it looks like you can pack your woolens and leave the snowshoes at home!

Planning Ahead
The NAIS and NBOA conference is one of the largest of its kind. Independent schools from across the nation will be in attendance. For exhibitors this means more schools to meet, more educators to greet, and more competition to keep an eye on and learn from.

Prior to heading to the conferences one of the best bets you can make as a company is to contact your ten best customers. See if they will be attending the conferences and set up a time to meet with them. Treat them to coffee or lunch. Hear what they are up to and how you can better meet their needs. This will give you time for some great connection and make them feel truly valued as a customer.

Scouting the Competition
Curious who is sponsoring and exhibiting at NAIS?
Look no further.


NBOA Exhibitors

Have a great conference! 

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