Let's have a parade for School Business Officers!

Let’s have a parade for School Business Officers!

Each year as summer begins many people talk about how lucky school people are to have the entire summer off.

Unless you work in the Business Office.

In the Business Office it is full speed ahead – no time off.

In fact – It is Audit Season…the most pressure packed time of year. Audits are similar to exams for the faculty and students. Literally a grade for how you did during the year.

Is everything coded correctly?

Do debits match credits?

Were budgets adhered to?

The most significant financial questions [and answers] for schools are put under the microscope in the summer.

I propose we have a parade to salute and appreciate school Business Offices. There would be local marching bands that play your song. Floats with faculty members on them would highlight all the on-time payroll runs.  Vendors would juggle balls to show their appreciation for timeline payments. Bankers would dance in the street to show how much they appreciate the school relationship.  Parents would throw candy to you as a token of appreciation for keeping track of the tuition dollars so magnificently. Board members would breathe fire in the air for the excellent reports and timely response to requests.

Let’s make it happen. Who is with me?

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