Join Max-R in the Fight Against Breast Cancer

Our good friends at Max-R are launching a campaign to help fight breast cancer next month. They make very innovative products from recycled plastic milk jugs, including recycle bins and outdoor furniture. A portion of sales during the month of October will be donated to cancer research. Please read below and consider supporting this good cause.


Join Max-R in the Fight Against Breast Cancer

“Max-R to donate a portion of sales during the month of October to Breast Cancer Research in their Recycle for Life campaign”

Max-R is proud to announce that a portion of our monthly sales will be donated to a breast cancer research foundation. Max-R has helped to make an impact environmentally by preventing products from going to landfill improving recycling programs around the world. Now, their “Recycle for Life” campaign aims to have a broader social impact in relation to breast cancer research, which affects millions of people to this day.

max-r campaignThrough October, national breast cancer awareness month, a portion of Max-R sales will be donated to a research foundation, up to $4,000. A standard at Max-R is that on every unit they manufacture, a milk jug decal is applied with the number of milk jugs it has reclaimed. They will be creating a commemorative pink milk jug decal to be applied to products purchased in October as a show of support for breast cancer awareness month and Max-R’s “Recycle for Life” campaign. The company has taken the “3 R’s” that their products stand for and transformed them into a message of inspiration in driving this campaign.

“We really wanted to join the fight.” Said Jason Heard, Regional Sales Manager at Max-R. “It’s a cause that almost everyone can identify with as its affected so many women and families. Folks don’t have to buy to take part in the cause – just by joining the conversation or contributing directly to a foundation does this effort justice.”

Max-R will be unveiling the campaign as a sponsor and exhibitor at the national trade show, AASHE, the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education in Nashville from October 6-9. Being represented as “Waste Diversion Sponsors” for the event, Max-R’s sales personnel will be wearing pink polos with the “Recycle for Life” logo and displaying products with pink decals as a show of support.

At Max-R there are a handful of employees who have an immediate connection to family and friends who have been affected by breast cancer. There are numerous in-kind donations Max-R makes to Christian and humanitarian organizations, in addition to paid volunteer days like Habitat for Humanity for employees. Now by contributing to breast cancer research, its deemed within the company that this is the best way for it to give back to the local and global community through a corporate partnership that will help to further research for a disease that still affects millions of people to this day. Join Max-R during the month of October, help make an impact, recycle for life.

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