Better information – leads to better decisions – which produce superior audit and operational performance

peertransfer tuition payments

Everyone knows that better information is the foundation for better decisions…the trick is getting better information in a timely and elegant fashion. peerTransfer delivers better international tuition information while saving the family and school time and money!

peerTransfer delivers world class information, specifically in terms of international tuition accuracy and timeliness.

  • Know where the tuition payments are every step of the way. No more guessing or wondering for you or your families! You can track when the family initiates the process and where tuition dollars are in the system. If there are questions about a payment – you can answer them immediately. Families are notified where their payment is and when it arrives at the school.
  • Avoid short payments – which require additional transfers – and fees.  A $10 short payment requires your families to make a second wire transfer. Each wire transfer has at least $30 dollars in fees – for $10. The peerTransfer advantage eliminates short payments.
  • Assign the tuition to the correct student every time. No more investigations or correcting adjustments!
  • Operational gains are experienced with every peerTransfer interaction. The business office has more time and energy to attend to the other school opening tasks.

Get to know peerTransfer – sign up for a demo today!

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