Fierce Love – Who Champions for Your School?

I visited Baylor School on April 9th and had the pleasure of running into the “Fierce Love” of a boarding school. There is, at a few fortunate boarding schools, a single person who is both a great champion of all that is admirable and virtuous about the school and a potent defender of all the schools rivals and competitors.

Baylor School - Chattanooga, TN

Chattanooga, TN

When I visited Baylor School following my meeting, I looked for my admission contact — she was out. I wandered to the chapel to rest for a minute. During that rest she strode into the Chapel and found me. That is when I first met Virginia Anne Manson. Her passion and enthusiasm for her school radiated like fresh sunburn on a pale child. During the tour I learned about the games, and classes, and moments she has witnessed on campus. Her bias, as is her love for Baylor, was fierce. For the remainder of the trip I felt that passionate care rattle around…banging into my boarding school memories. All were vivid and most were sweet.

I hope each school has a champion who posses this Fierce Love. If you visit Baylor – tell her thanks for reminding me why I love boarding schools.


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