#Resilience Blog

Circumnavigate the Globe: CHECK!

Do you have a dream that’s been tucked away on your bucket list for over a decade? For me, that dream was to circumnavigate the globe. And this year, I checked it off my list.

It came together through a remarkable mix of catalysts: the Rotary International Convention in Singapore, my wife’s 60th birthday, and a chance to embark on a global speaking tour with exciting stops in London, Cambridge, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Tokyo.

The thrill of this journey was beyond words. I had the pleasure of meeting numerous people I’d only known virtually, and finally got to meet face-to-face. Sharing the WHY Operating System with two new continents was a highlight. Along the way, I experienced diverse modes of travel and took in incredible sights. However, it was a whirlwind trip; while stops in London and Amsterdam had their leisurely moments, the pace was brisk.

Upon returning home, checking this monumental journey off my bucket list brought a unique sense of satisfaction. Yet, there was also a subtle sense of anticlimax. After looking forward to global travel of this scale for so many years, the absence of months-long euphoria was unexpected. Instead, I felt a light smile, a quiet moment of satisfaction, and a deeper appreciation for the dedication and sacrifice that made this trip possible.

I want to encourage you to dust off your bucket list and take a step toward achieving one of your dreams. Epic experiences fuel our momentum, pushing us towards bigger goals that involve exciting people, memorable places, and fun adventures.

What’s on your bucket list? Please share a recent bucket list item that you’ve checked off or one that’s in the making. Let’s inspire each other and turn our dreams into reality.


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