An Experience Based Gift in 2021

A Balloon Trip with my Mother.

That was the best experience gift I ever gave.

It was a beautiful morning – the ride was spectacular – We shared a tangible and powerful moment. The Gift of a shared experience – Fantastic!

The potency of the gift is powerful before, during, and after.

From the moment my mother opened the card which detailed the balloon ride gift her eyes sparked and her face glowed. The anticipation of the ride was, in several ways, as fun as the experience. The engagement of our imagination is a gift in itself. Images and sounds we have stored for years come to the fore to excite out minds.

When you think of a balloon ride what comes to mind?

The  Memory of my adventure with my mother has remained vivid and intact. Over a decade later she smiles and her eyes still twinkle when we talk about our ride together. WOW! the POWER of Memory.

Do you remember a experience based gift that you gave.

This year consider a shared experience as a gift for the people you love the most.

Some of my favorites are:

  • Hiking / walking
  • Painting pottery
  • Balloon Ride – We went with Asheville Balloon Company
  • Go BIG and call it an Adventure – let you imagination run wild.

In the spirit of the Balloon ride I have crafted a Couples Package utilizing the WHY.os Algorithm to ignite an explosion of insight and understanding.

A wonderful gift for couples! Get to know the person you love the most with fresh eyes and a full heart.

Let me know how I can help!

Click Here to schedule a 15 minute chat.


Learn More about the Resilience Initiative – We help you discover your WHY!

At the Resilience Initiative we promote Resilience around the world.

How do we do that? Book time with us to find out more. Lets go

  • Helping individuals, families, and teams discover their Why. We work closely with the The Why Institute. The Why of Challenge came from their Algorithm.
  • Producing the podcast #Resileince
  • Public speaking and facilitating
  • Coaching Bereaved Families with our Cornerstone Grief Program.
  • Writing – check out our Books!





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