Living in western North Carolina, it’s difficult to not spend time thinking about the before and the after. Living through a catastrophic flood will do that.
It seems like these overwhelming moments sneak up on us. Things in our lives come together and then everything suddenly seems out of hand. When that happens, the real question is can you get a picture of it?
What we’ve found in Asheville is that it really helps to have an after picture to lean into. For example, this tree took two hours, a nephew, and a chainsaw to clean up. That tree is never going back to where it was before – it will always be leaner.
But now, this tree and the rest of the landscape has the chance to become something new.
When we put together a vision of what comes after a life-changing experience, it’s important to be realistic with your idea of where you want to go next…but it’s also important to be generous and optimistic too.
This process takes more than two hours. Here in western North Carolina, it’s probably two years until we’re really rolling again. But I know we’re going to get there.
What does your after picture look like? And how can I support you in getting there?