#Resilience Blog

Discovering the Heart of The Resilience Initiative

During a recent session with my mastermind group, I was sitting when someone said something that stopped me in my tracks. “Watson,” she said. “I don’t even know who I would refer to you because I don’t really know what you do. So how would I even know who to recommend you to if I heard about something?” 

It was a classic case of being so close to a situation that the answer was obvious to me…but it’s clearly not. 

After that conversation, I gave myself the homework assignment of spelling out what I do and WHY I do it. It makes sense to share what The Resilience Initiative is all about and who I love working with.

I was inspired by my life experiences to start the Resilience Initiative. To honor the memory of my son William, who passed away several years ago, and to draw from my journey with sobriety (which began in 1986), I have dedicated my work to helping people understand WHY they do what they do so they can work in their zone of genius. 

For individuals, I help build a foundation of resilience by discovering WHY they do what they do using the WHY.os discovery process. For leadership teams, my 4-hour events provide a space to address internal conflict, misunderstanding, and apathy with insight, collaboration, velocity, and momentum.

I am passionate about this work because I believe success happens when we find a better way and share it. My experiences in the tech and education sectors have taught me the importance of effective communication and collaboration. With 30 years of promoting growth, education, and personal development through my books, trainings, and speaking engagements, I offer trustworthy and reliable expertise.

Often, when you’re part of a team it can be difficult to understand where others are coming from or how to best work with their strengths and weaknesses. It’s not the type of thing most teams regularly focus on but when you ignore these foundational pieces it’s easy for the ship to go off course. 

In my team events, we use the WHY.os algorithm to help teams get to know themselves and each other better. This 4-hour process includes year-round support to keep the insights fresh and top of mind. I also offer keynote speeches on resilience and customized support for board leadership assessments. Whether it’s for teams facing challenges or boards needing alignment, my goal is to provide a third-party perspective on organizational vision, mission, and performance.

With 30 years of leadership experience in education and technology, an MBA from Wake Forest, an EdD from the University of Phoenix, and as one of the top-ranked WHY.os certified coaches in the world, I bring a wealth of knowledge and insight to every engagement. As a Rotarian, a charter member of the NSA group for Western North Carolina, and a charter member of Future Proof, I am deeply involved in my community.

Now that you know more about me, I’d love to learn more about you. What are your team’s pain points? How can I support you and your organization in moving forward? Let’s explore these questions together.


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